It's been a long week, and it's only Wednesday. I've been ill the last few days, and had a very busy weekend, which explains the lack of posting. I have no intention of doing extra posts or longer posts to make up for it, because I'm tired. And I don't want to. And it's my blog, so it follows my rules. Ha.
Part of my busy weekend was going to the theatre. I was obsessed with the theatre when I was younger. I watched just about every play I could get to (which, sadly, was very few) and acted in a large handful or two of shows in my teen years. Musicals were always a favourite, such as Into the Woods and Chicago (the stage version is so much better than the film, honestly!). So when my other half said he got hold of tickets for us to see a professional production of Avenue Q, I was mildly pleased. (I think I squee'ed so much I may have damaged some eardrums. Or vocal cords. Or both. Oops.)
For those of you who may not be familiar with the show, Avenue Q is summed up very well by this quote: "Cross Sesame Street with the Muppet Show, give it an X rating, and slap on a Government Health Warning that too much laughter can make your sides ache and you've got Avenue Q." (Radio 2 - Thursday 29 June 2006, Johnnie Walke)
So Saturday night, four of us - myself, my partner, and two friends - had a lovely dinner, of which I had the best meal of the table (sweet potato soup and steak, nom). Then we trooped over to the theatre to eagerly await an onslaught of politically incorrect puppets.
The show was, in a word, incredible. Right from the beginning, I had a massive grin on my face. In fact, I'm pretty certain for at least part of the show, my partner found my expression to be almost as amusing as the performance! The cast was excellent, with my personal favourite being Katharine Moraz, who played Kate Monster. That woman has got one hell of a voice. I also got serious giggles every time the Bad Idea Bears came on the stage. (I will grudgingly admit I can kind of see how one of my friends claims the Bad Idea Bears' "YAAAAY!" made her think of me and my partner.)
And the songs. Ohhhhh, the songs. So many levels of brilliant. A few of the songs I'd heard before seeing the show - "It Sucks to Be Me", "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist", and "The Internet is for Porn". However, hearing them on an audio clip and seeing them performed live are two completely different things. And the songs I didn't already know were just as awesome, especially as I was experiencing them for the first time.
I've just realised I've spent most of this post rambling - in a nearly sensible manner, but still rambling. And I don't have a good ending paragraph for this post either. So I'm just going to leave off with the link to the Avenue Q tour and tell you that if you haven't seen it yet, go see it. Seriously. And if you have seen it already, go see it again. Seriously.
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