Friday, 17 February 2012

February Project: complete!

I said I wanted to finish a project every month this year (that post is here). So far, I'm on track to actually achieve that! Yay!

February's finished project is another knitting creation. This one is a shawl made of some blue yarn which I suspect to be a DK acrylic. The pattern is called Summer Flies. It's gorgeous, and available on Ravelry. (If you're a knitter or crocheter and you haven't discovered Ravelry, go there. Now. It's awesome. No seriously, click the link. You know you want to...)

I started this project in January, mostly as a practise project for my first attempt at lace knitting. I'm glad I picked this pattern, since it's very easy to follow, and looks brilliant now that it's done. Of course, getting to the finish point wasn't as pretty. Here's what it looked like straight off the knitting needles.

Less like a shawl, more like a clump of rolled up sweater remnants. But it's amazing what you can do with some kid's foam puzzle pieces, push pins, and a steam iron.

Much better. And it grew! Stretching and blocking this out added at least ten inches to the width, possibly a bit more. I didn't really measure the rest, but I don't think I really needed to. It's definitely bigger, and more wearable.

I made a few mistakes. In the beginning there was a part of the pattern I didn't know how to do, but that was simply because I hadn't learned beyond knit, purl, and yarn over. I also managed to mess up one of the butterflies in the very middle of the shawl. Oh so conspicuous to my eyes, but I imagine only because I know it's there and it's the first place I look. Other than that, I'm happy with it. I imagine I'll be wearing it a lot come summertime!

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