Sunday, 3 February 2013

Lion. No tiger, no bear, just Lion.

I discovered an interesting thing the other day. Apparently, if you want to program games for current Mac or iOS platforms, you have to be running a currently supported Apple OS. Right now, that means either Lion or the newer Mountain Lion. Which sucks for us happy Snow Leopard users, but what can you do?

So yesterday I updated my Mac to Lion. And I noticed two things: one, a drop in speed, which is to be expected. Two, my trackpad was scrolling the wrong direction. Not to be expected.

There I was, trying to view a webpage, my fingers on the trackpad to scroll down. My fingers moved, and nothing happened. Curious, I tried again - nothing. Now I was starting to get worried. Had I screwed something up? Had the installation gone wrong? I dived into the user settings, checking everything for the trackpad was as it should be - and it was. Now rapidly approaching irritated, I went back to the webpage and starting scrubbing my fingers up and down on the trackpad.

And it moved.

Surprised, I stopped and tried again. As I pulled my fingers downward, nothing happened. As I pushed them up, the page moved - down. And then, when I moved my fingers down again, the page went up. It was backwards!

Now, in the preferences there is a checkbox for one preference that says "move content in the direction of finger movement". Now, in my mind, that means down for down and up for up, but apparently my Mac is not happy with that. I unchecked the box - and suddenly everything was fine. Being the curious person I am, I rechecked and unchecked the box several times, and successfully determined that somewhere along the way, the trackpad had a tantrum and turned itself around. (No, not really, but it's what I'm going with.) So now the box is unchecked and I'm happily scrolling again.

And Lion, to be honest, doesn't seem all that different from Snow Leopard. But hey, I'm not all that familiar with it, so I'm sure eventually I'll have one of those "Ohhhhhhh" moments.

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