Thursday, 31 January 2013

Too much TV?

I've been watching an awful lot of tv shows lately. It's not that I'm just sitting there staring at the television - I'm doing other things, like looking at internet stuff(frequently), programming (often), or cleaning (once in a blue moon if it's on a Friday and the 32nd day of the month). But I like to have a bit of background noise, otherwise the quiet of the house drives me crazy.

The shows I've managed to zip through over the last month include Castle (up through the end of season four), Supernatural (up to current episodes), and Lie to Me (just finished season one). I've always been a Supernatural fan, Castle has been completely awesome and addictive, and Lie to Me - well, I went through the first thirteen episodes in three days. (When one considers my work schedule / life stuff, that's a bit scary.)

It's starting to make me think that maybe I'm watching a little too much TV these days. But then, if I wasn't having that going in the background, I would be... well, let's say less than perfectly sane. I don't handle silence well at all. So, yay for tv?

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