Wednesday, 1 February 2012

I want to work from home

I know, it's something a lot of people want. Working from home, for a lot of us, is that ideal job that is always out of reach. We can see something that vaguely looks like the opportunity, but it's always either too fuzzy to see clearly, too hard to get hold of, or too far to reach. We think that if we could just get that one perfect job that lets us stay in our comfort zone, everything will be better.

I don't really believe this any more. It's not too fuzzy, I'm just not looking at it from the right angle yet. It's not too hard, I just haven't put the work in yet. It's not too far, I'm just not really reaching for it yet. And there is no such thing as a perfect job. Even people who work from home still have to do that part called "working". If they didn't, it wouldn't be a job, it would be a hobby, and most people don't get paid for hobbies.

My goal is to work from home in the near future. I'm calling it a goal rather than a dream, because my dreams have a nasty habit of fizzling into whatever else is in my head at any given moment. I don't want to lose this goal to my own lack of focus. I want it to happen, and rather than just hoping for it, I'm going to work for it. I will make it happen.

So I'm bracing myself. I need to find the right angle and figure out what I can do. I need to make sure I've got all the skills and knowledge I need to reach it. I need to make myself work to grab hold of the opportunity once I've created it. (I need to stop talking like I'm trying to write some kind of inspirational speech, while I'm at it.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you. I have a vague idea of what I'd like to do, but nothing has solidified yet. I don't even mind working for someone, I just want to be able to create my own schedule for the most part, have flexibility, and ENJOY it.
