Sunday, 28 April 2013

Doctor Who seems to be slipping

(This article does have a spoiler from the episode "Journey to the Centre of the Tardis", aired 27 April 2013.)

I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who. Every Saturday it's on, my family and I are camped out in front of the TV, waiting eagerly for the teaser scene and opening credit sequence. There are episodes of Doctor Who that have made me laugh, made me cry, made me jump out of my seat, and left me utterly confused until one key point of information is revealed, and then had me going "Why didn't I think of that??"

I also love (most of) the companions. Amy and Rory from the last few seasons were spectacular, especially when they made a point of commenting on things we audience members were moaning about ("Are we dead again?"). The very first episode with Clara (or Oswin as she was known in the episode) was incredible. The next episode with her, the Christmas special, was brilliant. I was really, really looking forward to the rest of this season.

And yet, after five episodes, I find myself... well, somewhat disappointed. Most of the episodes have moments that shine, and some fantastic dialogue. But so far, each episode has had what felt like it could have a real impact, with storylines that, while may not be top quality, are certainly entertaining - but the ending has been so anticlimactic that I'm left lukewarm toward the whole show. Last night's episode was a perfect example of an episode that could have been so, so much more interesting, and yet ended up feeling like filler that really didn't take the story anywhere. And really, how many more times is the Doctor going to use a big reset button to fix everything as if it never happened anyway?

I wonder if part of this is the change in tone. The seasons with Amy, Rory, and River had a completely different feel to them. They were charming, and funny, and cozy, and a few other things I can't put a word on right now. Now it feels like, because they have a new companion, they have to cover old ground all over again - and are really, really taking their time doing it.

And then there's Clara. I love Clara, I really do. Her first two episodes really showcased how amazing her character could be. And yet so far, I can't help but wonder if the actress will ever get to repeat those performances. Her character has, in my opinion, been slotted into the "tag-along sidekick who doesn't do anything" and rarely gets to come into her own. I'm itching for her to do something more interesting, and stop this course where she seems to be turning into a cliche.

Now, as much as I've been criticising it in this post, I'm still enjoying the show. I will still camp out every Saturday to watch it until it's finished. But I'm not having the same intense rollercoaster ride of emotions I've had in previous years. Hopefully the last three episodes will change my mind.

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