Wednesday, 27 March 2013

I hate tombs...

Come on, tell me where that line is from.

Okay, if you don't know, I'll just tell you: the new Tomb Raider game! Which I've played through, beginning to end. Which I completed with 96% completion rate (which is pretty darn good for me, since I'm not usually a must-do-everything kind of gamer). Which I have completely and totally fallen in love with.

I love the character of Lara in this game. She really grows up in this game, and watching the character learn to deal with every new obstacle is enthralling. I was completely caught up in the emotion she experienced when she killed a man for the first time, when her best friend was taken from her, when she shifts from hating tombs to loving the adventure.

I loved the gameplay as well. As I played, I realised just how much of this felt like the mechanics could have come straight out of an Uncharted game. The climbing and jumping around, especially with exotic backgrounds and dizzying heights, felt particularly familiar. Yet, even with the similarities, Tomb Raider was able to maintain its own identity, and still be unique. Probably the most noteworthy point is that Nick Drake gets to run all over the world, escaping to a new location whenever things get dull. Lara is stuck on the island, and so the designers are pressed even harder to make sure even areas that have already been explored are still interesting for players.

And the bow. Oh, I love that bow Lara gets. That has got to be the best damn weapon in the whole game. I'm almost tempted to go back through the game only using the bow, and not the guns (except for areas where it's required to move forward), and see how I do. (Note I said almost. Parts of this game were really hard, and I don't think I'd survive long without the pistol in my hand!)

So, other than one little bug (which was nearly gamebreaking, but thankfully a bug-within-a-bug lets you get past it), I found this to be one of the best games I've played in a long time. It was incredible.

Although, thanks to the other half, I now have his proposed idea in my head: Lara Croft and Nathan Drake in a video game adventure together. Please? Pretty please? Would probably be the best game ever...

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