This post is not anywhere near as dodgy as its title.
Okay, there's a little bit of dodgy-ness going on, but that's down to the game. It's not my fault.
You see, a group of us get together about once a month and have a whole day of role-playing fun. We're playing in the Doctor Who universe, with my other half acting as the Doctor and GM, and us as his "companions" along the way.
Except that the Doctor has a nasty habit of sending us out to do something, then disappearing on us and leaving us in the shit. Then we end up scrambling for ages trying to figure out what the hell we're supposed to do next, and end up making some mistakes, but mostly spending an awful lot of time arguing about what we should be doing.
Add to that the fact that we all have a seriously twisted sense of humour, and we end up situations that are... unusual. Situations that spawn the kind of comments that gave this post its title.
Yeah, that sentence actually came up. Because one of our characters got stunned and knocked out with a stun gun. We didn't have any smelling salts or anything truly useful to wake him up from it - except that he had been defending himself with a recently discovered cattle prod just before being stunned. (No, I don't know why there was a cattle prod on a spaceship.) So, naturally, rather than use the bottle of water in our pocket, the cattle prod became the tool of choice to wake the guy up.
I don't understand how our characters have lived this long when we put ourselves in these positions...
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