I'm now a week and one day in on my £50 budget for the month. As of the end of today, I have about £39 remaining.
There were a few things that I spent money on this week that weren't included in my budget, mostly travel related. Because of the snow and ice, I haven't been able to cycle at all this week. While I've been able to mostly make up for it and still save money by walking, there were a few times I had to take the bus due to time constraints. Nothing I could have done to avoid that, and it was a purchase of necessity rather than choice, so it was not taken out of my budget.
On the upside, earlier this week I discovered a few extra pounds tucked in to my wallet I hadn't realised I still had. Between being very careful for this first week with my spending and the couple extra coins I found, I was able to treat myself to a McDonald's breakfast. (Yeah, I know, McDonald's is not real food. But their breakfast almost-food is something I've been attached to since childhood, so I maintain it as a guilty pleasure. Thanks to my budget, it is something I'm now going to be doing only rarely.)
Tomorrow is the first day of planned expenses not included in the budget - travel to my hospital appointment. Whee...
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