Thursday, 17 January 2013

Alien cake!

It's another baking adventure! This time, the mission was to make a cake. But not just any cake. I was going to make a cake shaped like this:

Yep. It's a Space Invaders cake! I got this cake tin as a Christmas present (thank you!), and have been just waiting for a chance to try it out. The one thing I noticed was that the tin, as well as the recipe itself on the box, called for a rather small cake. We can't very well have a small cake, now can we?

My solution (okay, some credit to the boyfriend!) was to make two cakes and turn it into a alien-themed Victoria sponge cake. Which worked out relatively well.

I used a mixed fruit jam on one side, and some home-made vanilla buttercream on the other.

Then I smushed the two of them together and topped it with a layer of marzipan! (That, I have to add, was a total disaster. I just do not get along with things you have to roll out like that. Marzipan, frozen block pastry... I really should know better by now.)

What I've learned from this? Is that at the moment, I'm really, really bad at cake decorating. I clearly do not have enough practise, as I'm still adamant that this cake looks like quite the little mess. On the upside, the cake has at least passed the taste test and has been met with the boyfriend's approval, so can't be that bad, right? Besides, lacking in practise just means I have a perfectly good excuse to make more...

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